Win the heat: How to keep your house cool while saving on your electricity bills.

These will help you to save money on your electricity bills during summer..

1. Insulate your home

Yes! That’s right, Insulation doesn’t only keep your house warm during summer. Because it acts as a thermal barrier by blocking cool indoor air from escaping the house and by acting as a barrier for warm outdoor air from getting inside the house.

2. Keep your doors and windows closed

The best way is to open windows and doors that are not affected by the sun, in order to create a form of natural ventilation, or you can also open windows and doors during the night in order to let cold air/temperature to get inside the house.

3. Make use of your hot water bottle

A simple trick is to fill up your hot water bottle with tap water and ice, leaving it in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Once done you can place it anywhere on the surface of your body to lower your body temperature.

4. Close your blinds

It’s advised to keep your blinds closed on the west and north-facing windows to significantly lower the temperature and keep your home cool.

You can also purchase block-out curtains to protect your home from the summer sun.

5. Change out your bed sheets

Your choice of bed sheet is really important, Cotton fabrics are super breathable and help you to reduce the temperature and to cool your body. Make use of cotton sheets for your bed to maximize comfort and also to reduce and beat the heat while you are sleeping.

But to effectively beat the heat you can also use linen, bamboo, or percale sheets.

6. Avoid using the oven/stove

Because cooking in the kitchen can generate excess heat which in the end will raise the temperature inside the house.

You cook outside when you can just to avoid raising the temperature inside the house.

This will help you to save some money on your electricity bills in all seasons.

7. Plant foliage around your house

Foliage and small/big trees play the role of a barrier against the sunlight.

Note that it doesn’t grow in a few weeks, so you might have to wait for a small period depending on what you have planted.

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Win the heat: How to keep your house cool while saving on your electricity bills.

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